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Talent Strategy

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“Without strategy, execution is aimless. Without execution, strategy is useless”

The primary objective of Successful Talent Strategies is to make a blueprint for developing talent strategies in a dynamic and market intensive economy where acquiring, deploying, and retaining human capital defines competitive advantage and success.

Successful organizations include talent strategy as part of their yearly and long-term strategic planning process and integrate it into daily operations. With alignment of their talent with the organization’s vision, goals and business strategy, anddeveloping effective processes and systems used by employees, these organizations are positioned to effectively compete and win in the marketplace.

The first step in building a talent strategy for an organization is by defining its goals, objectives and strategy to achieving the same. Failing to understand the business context usually results in an irrelative talent strategy, and ineffective use of resources.

3EA’s Talent Management experts bring in influential data and insights from our experiences in solving talent challenges, from diverse business and geographies. We provide effective solutions in re-addressing your business context and in designing aligned talent strategy.

An effective way to understand organization’s business context is by defining the following essential areas with respect to its business

  • What value does your organization deliver to its customer? (Reason for organization in its business, its strategic purpose and direction and aspirations)
  • What are the core business processes in which your organization must excel in order to deliver customer value and how do you measure the effectiveness of those key business processes?
  • What key capabilities must we have as an organization to deliver value to customers?
  • What value does your organization offer to its employees? (Determine the kind of culture, work environment, and underlying value system you need)

While customer value proposition of your organization drives the core business processes, which drives your talent needs, Employee value proposition will help you factor important considerations from the employees’ perspective into the talent strategy. Failing to address your employee’ needs may prevent you from attracting and retaining the talent your organization needs.

Upon gathering required information and addressing the above areas, the next important step is to analyse the gap between “where we are” and “where we need to be” with honesty. In our experience, organizations that work through this process fail to invariably recognize some deficiencies in the organization’s ability to execute business strategy, without thinking through the interdependencies in a systematic way.

Our profound methodology in designing the talent strategy helped our clients in identifying the voids in the organization’s ability to execute the business strategy through broad inputs from key stakeholders, including us. Along with increasing commitment to implementation, diverse ideas and range of innovative ideas are expected from this process.

We help our clients in examining the initiatives the organization need to take on achieving the goals and objectives with defining and developing critical success factors. This may include standard practices, methodologies, information, work flow and tools i.e. specific technology, equipment and facilities.

An organization’s ability to implement business strategy impacts on organizational results more than the business strategy itself. The same principle holds true for implementing the components of your talent strategy. The talent strategy consists of a series of projects or interventions that needs to be completed in order to voids in your talent so that the business strategy can be executed well.

The next and final step in this process is to monitor results and revise the strategy. Organizational metrics measuring solution and performance oriented results can be designed with a mix of strategic and operational measures as well as lead and lag indicators.

“Monitoring results is an important step to understand variances between actual and targeted results of projects with reasons for the variances. Our experts take it a step further by including pre-project implementation measures which provides insights into why a particular project was successful or not.”